Tuesday 17 May 2011

Ya Fatima!

Oh Allah, let the love between spouses be like the love shared between Imam Ali a.s and bibi Fatema a.s. Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.) said, I swear by Allah, as long as Janabe Fatema (s.a) was alive, I have never displeased her nor forced her to do any work. She on her part also did not give me a chance to get annoyed. Whenever, I used, to look towards her, all my worries disappeared.
Imam Ali a.s has narrated that on her deathbed, bibi Fatema a.s asked him if she had ever been disobedient or hurt him. He said,

Allah forbid!! You are so knowledgeable, so devoted, so pious, so honourable, so God fearing that you could nev...er disobley me. It pains me to part with you and to lose you but it is something that cannot be avoided... By Allah you have started all over again that sorrow which I went through by losing the Prophet of Allah. Your death and loss are too much for me,. But we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.

This is a misfortune for which I cannot be consoled and a tragedy for which there is no way to make it good
Click to see my lecture on Bibi Fatima (a.s)...